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Art. 1 Goods may be sold in batches or individually at the
sole discretion of ART CONTACT SARI (hereinafter ART CONTACT or Maison
Auction). The auctions will be held in rooms
them open to the public by ART CONTACT, which acts solely as
agent in the name and in the interest of each seller (whose name is registered
in all records required by applicable laws). The effects of the sale
directly affect the buyer and seller. ART CONTACT does not assume any
any liability towards the successful bidder, the seller or any other third party

Art. 2 The items are sold/awarded to the highest bidder, and for cash. In case of
disputes between several successful bidders, the Auctioneer will resell, at his discretion
sole discretion, the goods which may be newly awarded during the
same auction; in any event, the successful bidders having caused
such disputes will be linked because the offer previously made which gave rise to the
new auction, In the absence of a new auction, the Com-
auctioneer, at his sole discretion, will indicate who will be considered as
successful bidder for the property. The transfer of prizes awarded to third parties will not be
enforceable against ART CONTACT, which will consider the successful bidder as the sole
responsible for payment. Participation in the auction in the name and
on behalf of third parties can only be accepted by ARTCONTACT after
have deposited with the offices of the auction house, at
least three days before the auction, bank references
and a notarial power of attorney ad negotia.

Art. 3 ART CONTACT reserves the right to withdraw any lot from the auction
res. The Auctioneer conducts the auction starting with the offer
that he deems most appropriate, depending on both the value of the lot submitted
and competing offers. The Auctioneer may place bids
successive or in response to other offers until the reservation price
ve is reached. During the auction, the auctioneer has the
right to accept and/or separate lots and modify the sale order. THE
auctioneer may, at his sole discretion, withdraw lots which do not reach
do not affect the reserve price agreed between ART CONTACT and the seller.

Art. 4 In addition to the hammer price for each lot, the successful bidder will pay ART
CONTACT a purchase premium of: 22.5% excluding tax (27% including tax) For automobiles:
14% excluding tax (16.80% including tax) up to €900,000
11% excluding tax (13.20% including tax) above €900,001
Lots from outside the EU, indicated by a **, are subject to the costs associated with
ART CONTACT having opted for the margin regime, it will not be issued
c a document showing VAT.
VAT on commission and import charges may be refunded.
transferred to the successful bidder upon presentation of export proofs
outside the EU.

Art. 5 In order to guarantee the transparency of the auction, all those who wish to
cherish must complete a participation form with their data
personal details and their banking references. ART CONTACT reserves the right
to check references and refuse the participation of undesired people
rables at auction. During compilation, ART CONTACT will deliver a
numbered identification card, which must be presented to the Commissioner-
auctioneer to bid.

Art. 6 ART CONTACT can accept mandates for the purchase (through offers
written and telephone) by making offers through the Com-
auctioneer, in competition with the participants in the room. In the
In the event of identical offers, the written offer will prevail over the oral offer.

Art. 7 In the case of two identical written offers, which are not exceeded by
offers in the sales room or by telephone, ART CONTACT con-
will consider the offer submitted first as the successful offer. ART CON-
TACT reserves the right to refuse, at its sole discretion, offers to purchase
unknown and/or undesirable factors. As a partial exception to what
above, ART CONTACT can accept these offers if a sum is deposited
to guarantee an amount equal to the value of the lot requested, plus the
commissions and expenses. In any event, upon award,
the successful bidder will immediately communicate all his personal data
and tax.

Art. 8 ART CONTACT acts exclusively as an agent of the sellers,
disclaiming all responsibility for the description of the objects contained
in catalogs and in other explanatory publications. All the
descriptions of the goods should be considered purely
explanatory and indicative and should not give rise to any type of con-
confidence on the part of the successful bidders. The auction will be
preceded by an exhibition of the goods, in order to allow a correct examination
of these by potential buyers, so that the latter, under their
total and complete responsibility can verify all the qualities, such
that, for example, authenticity, state of conservation, type, material,
the origin, the origin of the goods subject to auction. After the auction
of the contract, no one can oppose ART CONTACT or the sellers
the absence of any quality of the goods subject to auction. ART
CONTACT and its employees and/or collaborators will not issue any guarantee
tie of authenticity and/or whatever. All information regarding
noting the carat size and weight of precious metals or precious stones,
as well as the corresponding brands, are purely indicative. ART
CONTACT is not responsible for errors or counterfeits, ART CON-
TACT does not guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of the materials, although
that they can refer to the work of experts outside the house of
auction. The buyer exempts the auction house from any liability as to the
color reproduction of the objects in the catalog, which may be different
rent of that perceived by a direct view. Purchasers are invited to
examine the objects before the auction laws of exhibition, in particular-
It is advisable to request photos and reports on the condition of the
lots in addition to those already present on the site and in the catalog.

Art. 9 The estimates regarding the base selling price, indicated under the heading
scription of each item in the catalog, must be considered clear
any additional costs such as, for example, sales rights to
auctions, taxes, etc. As the catalog printing time requires
determining estimate prices well in advance, they can be
subject to change, as is the description of the object. Any changes
cation will be communicated by the Auctioneer before the start of
the auction on each object concerned, it being understood that the lot will not be awarded
only if the reserve price is reached.

Art. 10 Full payment of the hammer price, hammer fees and
any other incidental expenses must be made within 10 days
working days from the date of the auction, within a month
legal tender in the country where the auction was held. In
case of non-payment, without prejudice to the right to obtain damages and
even more important interests, ART CONTACT can: a) return the mar-
goods to the failed seller and require payment from the failed purchaser
loss of commissions; b) act to enforce the execution
forced purchase obligation; (c) sell the lot by private negotiation, or
In subsequent auctions, but to the detriment of the failed buyer, in
retaining the advances paid as a penalty. In the event that the lot is
kept by ART CONTACT, this will be done at the risk and expense of the successful bidder.
re and the seller missed jointly. In any event, on the date
collection or return, the successful bidder pays ART CONTACT the costs of
storage (per month or fraction of a month), as indicated below as
indicative: €100 excluding tax on furniture: €50 excluding tax on paintings: €25 excluding tax on
art objects. This amount will be due from the 16th working day following your
date of the auction.

Art. 11 After paying the sums due, the successful bidder must collect the lots
purchased no later than 15 working days from the date of the Sale
at auction, at his risk, at his expense and by his care, respecting, for this
to do, the schedule planned by ART CONTACT. In the event that the successful bidder does not
does not draw the lots purchased within the above-mentioned period, ART CONTACT I will keep them,
risks and at the expense of the successful bidder, in the premises subject to the auction
for another five working days. After this period, ART CONTACT can
re-transport the goods, always at the risk and expense of the successful bidder.
keep, with another depositary, or other warehouse, by releasing, in relation to
carriage to the buyer, with simple communication of the place where the goods
are stored. The fact remains that in order to collect the lot, the successful bidder
you will have to pay, in addition to its price with accessories, the reimbursement
of all other subsequent costs.

Art. 12 In all cases, ART CONTACT can agree with the successful bidders,
different forms of payment, deposit, sale by negotiation between parties
insurance, property insurance and/or the provision of any other service
requested for the correct conduct of the operation.

Art. 13 All parties involved are obviously required to comply
to the laws in force in the state where the auction took place. In particular, ART
CONTACT assumes no liability with regard to restrictions
export of the awarded lots, and/or with regard to licenses
and/or permits that the successful bidder may have to request under the Ioi
applicable. The successful bidder cannot request any reimbursement from the
seller or to ART CONTACT in the event that the State exercises its right to
pre-emption or any other right reserved to it. The rights acquired in the
framework of an award which is then canceled due to the refusal to self-
rise the export of the lot are, in any event, owed by the donor
of order to ART CONTACT, if this failure results from the fact that the donor
order has not notified ART CONTACT I of the existence of an authorization to
portation issued by the competent authority at the request of the donor
of order.

Art. 14 In the event of justified complaints accepted by ART CONTACT following the
sale of counterfeit items, the Auction House may, at its discretion,
secretion, declare the sale void and, upon request, reveal the name of the
seller to the successful bidder. The purchaser cannot take advantage of this article.
key only in the case where he has notified ART CONTACT of the dispute with the proof
ve corresponding within 15 days from the auction. In all
situation, following an accepted complaint, the successful bidder will not be entitled
than the amount paid for the contested award, without adding interest
or any other amount for any other reason.

Art. 15 These general conditions of sale are accepted this full right
upon signature of the form referred to in art. 5 and in turn by
all those who participate in the sale and are available to anyone
rings who requests it. In the event of a dispute, the Court of the Principality
of Monaco is competent.

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