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We are proud to donate part of the auction proceeds to the

Fondation Internationale
Maria Rosa Mytsica

Building a Better Future

Founded by Lucien Kouassi KOUADI, the Maria Rosa Mystica International Foundation aims to contribute to reducing inequalities among populations who need it most, by responding to essential challenges in terms of prevention, training and access to care.


Every human being has the right to live with dignity. We are choosing to act now to change the lives of those whose needs are most urgent. We create new possibilities and lasting change by investing in human potential.


The foundation benefits from a headquarters agreement issued by the Government of the Republics of Guinea and Liberia.

Acting Now | Investing for Tomorrow
The Foundation aims to help reduce inequalities among populations who need it most, by responding to essential challenges in terms of prevention, training and access to care:
  • Healthcare for people and patients
  • For education and development aid...
  • For help to the poor suffering from hunger...
  • For gender equality and the autonomy of women...
  • For future generations....
Award-Winning Charity
African Prize for Emergence and Development

​Yamoussoukro, Hotel President on Saturday August 29, 2020

At the end of a work of surveys and investigations carried out by the representations of the Network of Communication Professionals for African Integration (REPCIAF), the Business Manager KOUASSI KOUADIO LUCIEN, Founding President of the María Rosa Mystica Foundation , The #FMRM, was named winner of the AFRICAN PRIZE FOR THE BEST PROMOTER OF SOCIAL WORKS.

Executive Team

Become a Member

Fund One Of Our Programs, Develop a 
Strategic Partnership
Private individuals and businesses, national and international institutions, local authorities, water agencies, government or international donors can contribute to the implementation of projects and action programs against poverty. ‍Your outpouring of solidarity towards the activities of the FIMRM will provide us with the means to act towards populations in distress, but also to preserve our material, financial and human independence in our actions with populations.

We more than need you to act, to respond to societal challenges and to fight against poverty, inequalities, climate change, etc.

Contribute to Development
Get in Touch:
Cell: (+225) 07 07 537 738
Cell: (+225) 05 05 120 112
Tel.: (+225) 27 22 595 148

Become a partner today!
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